NBA: Regular season extreme makeover will BLOW your mind!

By ALAN WALLS Welcome to The International Basketball Opinion , the world’s only blog specifically dedicated to international basketball news, business, and current events. It is no secret, the NBA regular season needs a reboot, a redo, a redesign. An extreme makeover if you will. After 75 years, it is INDEED time for some drastic changes! If you ask the average NBA fan, they will tell you that the regular season is: Too long. Boring. Subject to TANKING (aka The Process)! Anticlimactic with most of the playoff teams already being determined within the first 15-20 games. Fil led with unimportant and/or uninteresting games (good vs. bad teams and bad vs. even worse teams). Too much player load management . THE REAL NBA SEASON ACCORDING TO ME I look at the NBA season this way: The preseason practices and games = training camp. Regular season games up to the All-Star Game (ASG) = preseason. Christmas Day games = a special optical illusion (a mirage if you will) of top-level c...